Communication is the foundation of any relationship. Research indicates that in addition to being able to express your concerns. Communication can also help you problem solve. If you are having difficulty expressing your needs, verbalizing emotions, saying no assertively, or aligning your statements with your expressions. Individual therapy could help you to reduce break-downs in communication, and improve your relationship dynamics.
Trust is an essential part of a healthy relationship. When trust in a relationship is shaken, doubt, negative emotions, and insecurity can arise. If you are have experienced a breach of trust in the relationship, there are "red flags," or you have trust issues in general. Let us help you explore this concern and develop ways to improve trust within your relationship.
Divorce & Separations
Unfortunately, break-ups, separation, and divorce occur. Each of these evokes a range of emotions which can be difficult to process. For many people, when a relationship ends. There is initially shock and disbelief, followed by strong emotions, and later the process of acceptance and re-adjustment. If you have experienced a break-up, separation, or divorce and are struggling with your emotions or re-adjusting. We can help you process the emotions and gain the resolution which you are seeking.
Unhealthy boundaries cause emotional pain that can lead to dependency, depression, anxiety, and even stress-induced physical illness. A lack of boundaries is like leaving the door to your home unlocked: anyone, including unwelcome guests, can enter at will. On the other hand, having too rigid boundaries can lead to isolation, like living in a locked-up castle surrounded by a mote. No one can get in, and you can’t get out. If you are having difficulty setting boundaries with your partner, family members, or friends. We can help provide you with the skills to set and maintain healthy boundaries.
Anger is a normal emotion which everyone experiences at some point in their life to varying degrees. If you have experienced anger or resentment in a relationship you are not alone. Being angry in a relationship will inevitably happen at some point. It is how that anger is expressed and the length of which the anger lasts for that determines if it is problematic. If you are holding into your anger, resentment, or attempting to control it regularly. Individual therapy for anger management can help you to process and learn skills to better regulate anger. Contact us for relationship teletherapy in Florida and Nevada.
An argument is a disagreement between two or more people who have differing opinions on a given subject. Arguments are not considered conflicts. However, when arguments lead to verbal aggression, dislike for the other, and a break-down in communication. Conflict has occurred, and when left unresolved it can lead to negative emotions towards the other, resentment, loss of the relationship or supports. If you are experiencing conflict in your relationship. We can help you to develop ways to resolve the conflict and communicate effectively. Contact us for relationship teletherapy in Florida and Nevada.